Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back to the Happy Place

I can't believe it's already time for Maker Faire again. This year has flown by. I got to San Francisco earlier today and spent a wonderful afternoon with Natalie. Tonight, I get to see Lish and Nick for dinner & tomorrow I'll see the rest of my CRAFT & MAKE pals at the Fairgrounds. Truly ... these people make me so stinkin' happy. I can't wait to hug Diane for the first time in TWO years, squee like a school girl over Moxie and bask in the awesomeness that is Becky Stern. Good good times. It's like a very nerdy Christmas and I love it.

I'm setting up my phone so I can blog from it. I haven't done this in a while, so this is a dry run. We'll see how it goes. It's a very quick way to share fun stuff from Maker Faire, though most of my activity will be over on Twitter (@avgjanecrafter and on @craft) Forgive my sappiness - this is just really one of the highlights of my year & I'm so glad it's here again!

Natalie took me to Daiso today, where we flipped out over cute Japanese packaged craft supplies and a wall 'o bento goodness. Then she took me out for dim sum for the first time ever. She ordered a great spread of food, and we sipped chrysanthemum tea and talked for ages. It was so awesome. A great start to the weekend! More fun from Maker Faire soon!

1 comment :

  1. I love your posts ! and being under the weather I have found them fun and so informative but FUN is a better word LOL Thank you rach for your amazing look at lifes treasures . If you ever find yourself in DENVER , Coffee and something scrumptious is ON ME :)


Thank you so much for your comments! I read every single one of them. I do my best to respond when I can.

Have fun and be nice! :)