Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Now that's a baby gift I can get behind

Ah, how I love the random things that flow into my Google Reader. Here's a baby gift idea from Japan - a rice bag printed to look like your baby in a blanket. Sounds a little kooky, but it gets cool when you learn that they fill the bags with the exact weight of rice that your baby was when he/she was born. That's kind of interesting .....

With some crafty tweaking, this could turn into a really cool baby gift. Wheels are turning ....

I think if I had one of these of my daughter, I'd freak, though. At four pounds, four ounces, she'd hardly be enough for a family size portion of Moo Goo Gai Pan.

1 comment :

  1. Now THAT'S what I call an excellent crafty blog post! What a crazy-cool idea, and may I say: my goodness, four pounds, four ounces??


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