Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A mailbox full of lovelies

I mentioned a while back that I'd signed up for the Lovely Letterbox series from Niku. I didn't have time to blog about my first installment of the LLB*, but my second one came over the weekend and I can't *not* share it. It made me so giddy!

First off, check out the envelope in which it's delivered. How could you not be happy to see a package like this peeking out from your tiny mailbox? I get so insanely sick of ads and junk mail that this little bit of art in my mailbox really lifts my spirits.

Included in this month's installment was a zine that Niku made during the 24 hour zine challenge. It is beautifully written, and very heartfelt and personal. I have to admit, I teared up when I first read it. I felt very lucky that she decided to share it.

She also included some scraps of fibers and a piece of screen that was part of a piece she included in an art exhibit that she organized at the Starbucks where she works. I can't wait to do something with it! It's so cool to think of it as a piece leftover from something she made. I don't know why, but it just feels like it already comes with some pretty special meaning attached.

She also included a fun little kit to make a tooth plushy in honor of her new brand "Sweet Tooth Designs" It's so cute! Also in the mix was a cool little stitched business card. Love that!

Finally - some amazing teeny shrink plastic buttons with sewing machines drawn on them. These had me swooning.

If Niku continues the Lovely Letterbox past this initial round, I can not encourage you to sign up enough. It's made my usually dreary mailbox *much* happier.

* Luckily, Diane did a great post about her first LLB package, and since mine had about the same stuff hers did, I say - get thee over to her blog and check out what she wrote! (totally steeling one of her key phrases)


  1. I love that fabric, did she send it or was it in your stash? If so, where did you get it? I want a slice!

  2. I know, I love that fabric! It's new (ish) Amy Butler fabric and I got it at Craft-o-rama, which is a great fabric and craft store to visit if you're local in Austin, and if not, at craftorama.etsy.com
    xo niku

  3. And, Tara, if you're referring to the fabric in the background (the skull and scissors fabric) that's from Leslie at The Stitch Lab here in Austin (where I work part time). It's a Michael Miller print. Love it! :)

  4. Got to love good mail, that's for sure.


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Have fun and be nice! :)