Friday, September 12, 2008

Surface Design Day Five: Printing

Ok, so this isn't one of my "art pieces" from the week, but it's
making me incredibly happy at the moment.

The Gene Kelly obsession continues.....


  1. Dude, you so effing rock! Is this a screen print? And what would I need to offer you in exchange for a strike of this on some cotton canvas? I needs me a Gene tote.

  2. I am so jealous. Not only of the class, but also that you got to spend all week in crafty wonderland!

    And your Gene Kelly thing is infectious. I spent the afternoon in bed with "Singing in the Rain" hoping that it would make the sky open up. No luck :)

  3. i love gene kelly i think i was humming "singing in the rain" all day yesterday. it's been raining here, none stop since friday afternoon. i love all that crafty stuff you've been working on. i feel like i've been away from your blog for a little while and i come back and see all the fabulous stuff you've made :)

    you're awesome!

  4. I love gene kelly too!
    He dances so well!

  5. I hope your Gene Kelly obsession lives on forever!!

    very cool

  6. Um, I love this. You know I do. I've been loving Gene for years and years and years. So cool!


Thank you so much for your comments! I read every single one of them. I do my best to respond when I can.

Have fun and be nice! :)